3 PGT Normal Implantation Failure.

Hello Dr. Sher,

I just heard your interview about recurrent implantation failure on Dr. Aimee’s podcast.

I am 33 years old, no known fertility issues, my husband and I are doing IVF with PGT-A/M for genetic purposes.

I have had 3 euploid embryos fail to implant in a row (August 22, Oct 22, April 23). Two while living in the UK and one back in the states.

The first two transfers I was on only estrogen and progesterone. The third was a ‘kitchen sink’ approach with antibiotics, steroids, lovenox, aspirin, PIO, estrogen pills, and an antihistime protocol.

Each round my lining barely made it to 7, and my doctor felt comfortable transferring because even on my mock cycle and collection cycles I was not able to develop a thicker lining.

This month, for the 4th attempt we tried a modified natural protocol, taking letrozole and lovenox only and again my lining is around 6.2. Therefore, I assume this round will be cancelled.

Do you have any recommendations for next cycle? I am 5 feet, 102 lbs, work out daily and have regular periods.

I was hoping that the modified natural may be better, but it is proving not to be. Therefore, I’m curious your thoughts on a atom protocol transfer, or using estrogen patches as opposed to pills.

All good wishes,


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