2 IVF failures and 1 cancellation

I’m 36 (insulin resistant & subclinical hypothyroidism + DOR 4.0 pmol) I
have been trying for 4.5 years, I have completed two ivf cycles (Gonal F 450 and Menopur 150) First ivf cycle with Testosterone gel, which resulted in 3 follicles – sadly none fertilized. Second ivf cycle with Estrogen priming- 6 follicles & only 1 fertilized (ectopic pregnancy). Our third attempt was with Letrozole 7.5mg + Gonal F 450. Only 2 follicles grew therefore I canceled. Do you think I should have any immunology testing? Should I do a lap for endometriosis? (Sadly I know my AMH is low). Any other suggestions? My partners sperm has low morphology with his last sperm analysis but in the last 3 years they had indicated he had “ perfect sperm.” This will probably be my last attempt before moving forward to donor eggs, How much for a consult with a fellow Canadian?

Thank you in advance.


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