Eight losses

Hello, my name is Vikki Carpenter. I am 40 years old and started IVF last year. I have one IVF failure (chemical), and 7 other chemical pregnancies before IVF. The pattern is virtually the same: I get pregnant and within a week something goes wrong and it turns into a chemical pregnancy. We transferred on a 6.7 lining, which I understand was thin so that could be a factor, but I am also wondering about how my 7 other chemical pregnancies play a role. I have asked my doctor about immune issues, and she has dismissed it because of my thin lining. Although I recognize the thin lining plays a role, but I am not convinced that is the only thing going on as I have an undiagnosed pain management issue. I have been tested for numerous immune issues, but nothing has come back conclusive. I am heading into a ReceptivaDX test to test for silent endo. If this comes back positive, I am wondering what further tests immunology wise I should be considering. We are paying out of pocket for everything, so I am really trying to rule out everything possible.

I will say that we are working with tested and untested embryos.
From my first ER we have:
5AB female (complex segmental low level mosaic)
5BB male (low level mosaic )
5 AB male (aneuploid)
Untested second ER:
2 3AA’s and a 4BB

Thank you for your time.


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