Hello Dr. Sher,
After having two miscarriages (1 natural and 1 IUI), I found out that I have a robertsonian balanced translocation (13:14). My RE said that my best bet would be to do IVF with PGT-SR testing. I did two egg retrievals. The first retrieval resulted in 13 eggs and only one day 7 embryo to test. That embryo was euploid. The second retrieval resulted in 19 eggs and 2 day 7 embryos to test. One is euploid and one is HLM that likely has to do with my BT. I just recently transferred my only embryo from the first retrieval that ended with a chemical pregnancy.
I had to do a mini stim cycle because my lining did not respond to regular medicated cycle. I took doxy and medrolx 5 days leading up to transfer and was on blood thinner because of a positive test for a clotting disorder at one point.
I also had a uterine septum removed before starting fertility treatment.
1. Why would a euploid embryo fail with a chemical pregnancy? I thought we had done all we could to prevent this.
2. What could be the cause of egg retrievals only resulting in day 7 embryos?
3. What would you recommend my next steps be?
Thank you in advance!