Antisperm Antibodies, Infertility, and the Role of IVF with Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
Dr. Geoffrey Sher
“Triggering” Egg Maturation in IVF: Comparing urine-derived hCG, Recombinant DNA-hCG and GnRH-agonist
Dr. Geoffrey Sher
Ectopic (Tubal) Pregnancy and IVF
Dr. Geoffrey Sher
The Fundamental Requirements For Achieving Optimal IVF Success
Dr. Geoffrey Sher
“Functional” Ovarian Cysts and IVF
Dr. Geoffrey Sher
Varicocele and Male Infertility
Dr. Geoffrey Sher
Viagra as a Treatment to Thicken Uterine Lining
Dr. Geoffrey Sher
Intralipid and IVIG Therapy in the Treatment of Immunologic Implantation Dysfunction
Dr. Geoffrey Sher
Janet Jackson Delays Tour to Start Family: How Old is too Old for IVF?
Dr. Geoffrey Sher
How Does Bodyweight Affect Fertility and IVF Outcome?
Dr. Geoffrey Sher