The Causes of Infertility
Dr. Geoffrey Sher
Vegas Baby Documentary
Dr. Geoffrey Sher
Announcing my Retirement in the Year Ahead: A Letter of Thanks From Me to You!
Dr. Geoffrey Sher
Having Realistic Expectations Regarding IVF Outcome: When is it Time to Stop or Change Course?
Dr. Geoffrey Sher
Egg Maturation in IVF: How Egg “Immaturity,” “Post-maturity,” and “Dysmaturity” Influence IVF Outcome.
Dr. Geoffrey Sher
Embryo Transfer: The “Holy Grail” of IVF.
Dr. Geoffrey Sher
Egg Banking: Preserving Fertility in Female Cancer Patients
Dr. Geoffrey Sher
IVF: Should Treatment Cycles be Uninterrupted or be Conducted in Pre-scheduled Batches?
Dr. Geoffrey Sher
Reflecting upon the Use and Misuse of Intrauterine Insemination (IUI): Time for a Serious Reality Check
Dr. Geoffrey Sher
Testing for Immunologic Implantation Dysfunction (IID): Who Should be Tested, Where Should Testing be Done and How should results be interpreted?
Dr. Geoffrey Sher