Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Understanding Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (RPL): Causes And Solutions
Dr. Geoffrey Sher
Treatment of Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (RPL) due to Alloimmune Implantation Dysfunction : Comparing cases with a “Partial” versus a “Complete” Match (rare)
Dr. Geoffrey Sher
Early Pregnancy Loss: Causes and a Rational Approach to Management.
Dr. Geoffrey Sher
The “Biological Clock” and How it Should Influence the Selection and Design of Ovarian Stimulation Protocols for IVF
Dr. Geoffrey Sher
Ovarian Endometriomas: Sclerotherapy provides a Safe, Convenient, and highly effective Non-Surgical Alternative
Dr. Geoffrey Sher
Measuring and interpreting Blood hCG to Assess Pregnancy Viability Following ART Treatments
Dr. Geoffrey Sher