IVF And Diminished Ovarian Reserve (DOR): A Rational Basis for Selecting the Optimal Protocol for Ovarian Stimulation
Dr. Geoffrey Sher
Agonist (Lupron) Therapy in IVF
Dr. Geoffrey Sher
Recurrent “Unexplained” IVF Failure with Good Quality Embryos.
Dr. Geoffrey Sher
Why Did So Few of My Eggs Fertilize and Make it to Blastocyst?
Dr. Geoffrey Sher
Early Pregnancy Loss: Causes and a Rational Approach to Management.
Dr. Geoffrey Sher
Optimizing Access to Sher-IVF, Las Vegas from Afar
Dr. Geoffrey Sher
Selecting an IVF Program: Willingness to Share Financial Risk with Patients, Builds Confidence!
Dr. Geoffrey Sher
Deciding between Egg and Embryo Banking for Fertility preservation (FP)
Dr. Geoffrey Sher
How can stress affect IVF?
Dr. Geoffrey Sher
IVF: Immature and Post-mature Egg Cells: What does this mean and how can it be prevented?
Dr. Geoffrey Sher