Egg Banking: Unlocking Future Hopes and Dreams

Egg Banking: Unlocking Future Hopes and Dreams

For more than 50 years, scientists have been working to perfect the art of freezing and storing a woman’s eggs, also known as “egg banking”. Although there have been challenges, the progress has been both amazing and promising. Since the birth of the first...
Overcoming Age Barriers in IVF and Embracing New Pathways to Parenthood: Unlocking the Possibilities

Overcoming Age Barriers in IVF and Embracing New Pathways to Parenthood: Unlocking the Possibilities

Age should never be a barrier to hope and fulfillment when it comes to IVF. Many women in their early to mid-40s are successfully having IVF babies using their own eggs, especially if they have a good number of eggs left in their ovaries. However, for women with...
Egg Donation-Fashioning Rational Expectations: Preparation; Donor Selection; Using Fresh versus Frozen (Banked) Eggs; Financial/Ethical Considerations; The Process; Outcome!…

Egg Donation-Fashioning Rational Expectations: Preparation; Donor Selection; Using Fresh versus Frozen (Banked) Eggs; Financial/Ethical Considerations; The Process; Outcome!…

For many women, disease, the physiological decline in ovarian reserve (DOR) and spontaneous or pathologically induced menopause will preclude pregnancy using own eggs. For such women, the performance of IVF using the eggs of a chosen young third party (egg donor-ED)...