Ask Our Doctors – Archive

Our Medical Directors are outstanding physicians that you will find to be very personable and compassionate, who take care to ensure that you have the most cutting-edge fertility treatments at your disposal. This is your outlet to ask your questions to the doctors.


  1. Hi I got your information from an article in The Cut about how you were able to help a woman with IVF who had been turned away for BMI reasons before and that article said you helped her, I am in a similar boat, wanted to freeze eggs but at a higher BMI so can’t find anyone to do it in ATL and wanted to see if you would be a good place for me to explore.

    • In my opinion a raised BMI alone is not a contraindication for fertility preservation . Call my assistant, Patti Converse (702-533-2691) and set up an online consultation with me to explore further.

      Geoff Sher

  2. Hello Dr. Sher,

    I’m 36, had fibroid surgery 6 months prior to starting IVF. I was given lupron depot shot in preparation for surgery.

    1. 225 IU fostimon
    2. 75 IU merional
    3. 0.25 suprecur

    Outcome and response from the doctor:

    5 eggs were retrieved out of expected 7 which is excellent for her age

    Out ot the 5, 3 of them successfully fertilised. However non of the 3 divided to result in transferable embryos.

    The way forward
    1. Repeat a self cycle and hope for a better outcome
    2. Use donor eggs
    3. Stimulate she herself and do an egg donor as back up

    • I would need a lot more information to advise authoritatively.

      I honestly urge you to call my assistant, Patti (702-533-2691) and set up an online consultation with me to discuss this in depth.

      Geoff Sher

  3. Dear Dr Sher,

    I need to ship embryos from one fertility clinic to another. I was wondering if you can recommend a courier for shipping the embryos?

    • Sorry! I cannot advise!

  4. Dear Dr Sher

    You have kindly posted my question in the online forum but not posted your response! I’d love to hear your thoughts.

    Here is my original question for your convenience
    Dear Dr Sher, We are doing a Natural modified FET cycle with our last ever euploid embryo as I’m now 45. It has been a very long process and I have had full testing (ERA, Emma, Alice, NK etc) and am also under the care of a reproductive immunology specialist (I have had intralipids and will be on prednisolone as well as a range of supplements and blood thinners). We cancelled the last cycle as my endometrial lining was only 7mm at trigger. This month it reached 9mm so we were meant to be going ahead. However, I now have Covid. I may be clear of infection by the time of transfer next Sunday. However, would you recommend delaying due to risk to the embryo/implantation process? If so, how long should we delay for. The wait for this transfer has been horrendous and delaying is devastating but equally we don’t want to risk our last embyro. I would welcome your insight. Vicky

    Many thanks


    • Although this response would not be agreed on by all…it is my advice that you wait about 6 weeks from the time the diagnosis of Covid was made before you proceed with treatment!

      Geoff Sher

  5. Dear Dr Sher,

    We are doing a Natural modified FET cycle with our last ever euploid embryo as I’m now 45. It has been a very long process and I have had full testing (ERA, Emma, Alice, NK etc) and am also under the care of a reproductive immunology specialist (I have had intralipids and will be on prednisolone as well as a range of supplements and blood thinners). We cancelled the last cycle as my endometrial lining was only 7mm at trigger. This month it reached 9mm so we were meant to be going ahead. However, I now have Covid. I may be clear of infection by the time of transfer next Sunday. However, would you recommend delaying due to risk to the embryo/implantation process? If so, how long should we delay for. The wait for this transfer has been horrendous and delaying is devastating but equally we don’t want to risk our last embyro. I would welcome your insight.