Our Services

Infertility diagnosis/treatment
The causes of infertility are multiple and are often difficult to define but may include anatomical conditions involving tubal patency and/or function as well as diseases of the testicles and/or or sperm ducts, dysfunctional levels of certain hormones in both men and women, and ovulation difficulties in women.

Recurrent miscarriage diagnosis/treatment
The time has come to embrace the reality that the term “unexplained” is rarely applicable to 1) infertility of unknown cause, 2) repeated IVF failure, and 3) recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL). More often than not, rather than being “unexplained,” the condition is simply ignored and as such remains “undiagnosed.” All that is needed is to investigate and treat the issue appropriately in order to solve the problem.

Egg freezing for future fertility
There are many reasons why patients may need to preserve their fertility. For some, it may be a focus on education and career delays and for others it may be due to an illness. Although the decline in reproductive potential that occurs with age cannot be reversed, freezing your eggs at a younger age may allow the eggs to be preserved until you are ready to conceive. While there are no guarantees, using cryopreserved eggs may improve your chances for pregnancy in the future.